Our Staff

At Fowler Elementary school, you’ll find teachers dedicated to meeting the individual learning needs of their students. Together with a team of office and support staff members, we create a positive environment that nurtures creativity and inspires learning.


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  • Astorga-Villegas Martha
    Martha Astorga-Villegas Send message »

    BS Early Childhood Education with a Structured English Immersion Endorsement - Grand Canyon University

    I am in my seventh year teaching kindergarten at Fowler Elementary School. Prior to teaching, I was a stay-at-home mom for 18 years.

    Why I Teach
    I often tell children their only job is to be happy. I also tell them happiness follows when they make good choices, and good choices happen when they have knowledge. I became a teacher to help children acquire academic and social-emotional knowledge that will help them make choices that lead to their happiness.

    Martha Astorga-Villegas
  • Zaucha Karen
    Karen Zaucha Send message »

    BA Elementary Education - Northeastern Illinois University

    I have been teaching at Fowler Elementary since 2014.

    Why I Teach
    I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a kindergartner myself! The reason I teach is because I am passionate about helping children build a strong foundation and develop a love for learning. Teaching came naturally to me, and I have many creative ideas on how to present early childhood subjects using fun, engaging, and innovative approaches. I enjoy teaching with music, movement, literature, and games to motivate children and make learning exciting. We do many activities that enable the children to begin drawing, writing, and eventually reading. Math, science, and social studies are also subjects that many students love! It has been a privilege to teach at Fowler Elementary for the past five years. There is so much to learn from A to Z. I am happy to be in sunny Arizona doing what I love!

    Karen Zaucha

First Grade

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  • Juma Maxine
    Maxine Juma Send message »

    Bachelors of Education degree in Early Childhood Studies from Kenyatta University, Kenya.

    I have taught kindergarten for three years. Currently, I teach first grade at Fowler Elementary School.

    Why I Teach
    I am passionate about nurturing children, especially in their formative years of development, and making a difference in their lives. Being in a position to help children learn new things and grow holistically gives me a sense of satisfaction.

    Maxine Juma
  • Ledesma Magali
    Magali Ledesma Send message »

    BA Elementary Education - Grand Canyon University

    This is my fifth year teaching. I have taught first and second grade.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I like to help children learn new things every day. I want to make a difference in the children’s lives. The children are our future. I believe that all children can achieve their dreams.

    Magali Ledesma

Second Grade

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  • Figueroa Lorena
    Lorena Figueroa Send message »

    BA in Early Childhood Education and MA in Bilingual/Multicultural Education - Northern Arizona University

    14 years

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I feel as if it is something I was meant to do. I believe kids deserve a safe place to learn, grow, and find love and support. I love helping kids learn in different ways. Kids are natural learners just waiting to have their full potential discovered. I love leading and guiding every student who crosses my path to becoming life long learners of our society. I teach because I believe in them!

    Lorena Figueroa
  • Mora Alejandrina
    Alejandrina Mora Send message »

    BA Elementary Education with a Bilingual Endorsement - San Diego State University

    This is my 23rd year teaching at Fowler. I have taught second, third, and fourth grade.

    Why I Teach
    The reason I teach is because I love to witness a child's "aha" moment. It gives me pleasure when a student grasps a concept for the first time. There is no better reward than helping a student finally reach clarity and helping them grow. I love to teach to reach children and see their progress develop over time to prepare them to be successful.

    Alejandrina Mora

Third Grade

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  • Avelino Lorena
    Lorena Avelino Send message »

    MA on Early Childhood Education

    10 years teaching third grade

    Why I Teach
    I teach because when I was little I had amazing teachers and I got inspired knowing those great teachers year after year. I would like to inspire my students to not giving up and persuade their dreams. I always wanted to be a teacher and I can't imagine myself doing something different.

    Lorena Avelino
  • G Ms.
    Ms. G Send message »

    Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education- Arizona State University

    This is my eighth year of teaching.

    Why I Teach
    I have been here at Fowler since July of 2016, teaching third grade. I love teaching and helping students build foundational skills they need as they progress in school. Every year is a new adventure! No year is ever the same. I believe every student is capable of success if they try and work hard. I hope to instill the love of learning in my students.

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  • Vance Maria
    Maria Vance Send message »

    BS Physical Education K–12, Health K–12, TESOL Endorsement

    I have been teaching at Fowler since 2015 and have experience at high school, middle school, and adult learning in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Why I Teach
    I love teaching because every student is unique and every day is new. I get excited when I see students learn a new skill in a subject they were having trouble with. I also love the excitement they have when someone is listening to their ideas and points of views. I get a good feeling about teaching our future leaders.

    Maria Vance

Fourth Grade

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  • Stern William
    William Stern Send message »

    BA Early Childhood/Elementary Education and Psychology - New Jersey City University.

    I started teaching at Fowler Elementary School in 2015

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I have a passion for learning and passing on what I learn to today's youth. It makes me feel great to know that I have made a difference in the life of a child. It is also satisfying and rewarding to see how much my students have grown from the time they walk through my door in August until that last day in May. I feel as though this is one of the most meaningful professions there is because we are the ones who are teaching today's children to become tomorrow's world leaders.

    William Stern
  • Villa Leticia
    Leticia Villa Send message »

    |MA Elementary Education

    I have been teaching since 1996.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I love to see students learn. Seeing lights turn on in their heads when they learn a new concept is extremely gratifying. I enjoy the feeling I get when I'm helping tomorrow's generation get ahead. Being around students gives me the opportunity to interact with many different personalities, and I get joy out of bonding with students and making a difference in their lives.

    Leticia Villa

Fifth Grade

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  • Hicks Jonathan
    Jonathan Hicks Send message »

    BA in Business Administration and MBA in Public Administration from Columbia Southern University—Alabama.

    U.S. Air Force veteran and two years as a third grade teacher in Baltimore, MD. Began teaching in Fowler in 2023.

    Why I Teach
    I love educating kids and being a part of their early lives to help shape them towards a successful life, long after they leave school. The fun for me is the interactions and relationships built with the students and staff during the course of a school year.

    Jonathan Hicks
  • Stewart Troy
    Troy Stewart Send message »

    Ottawa University

    This is my first year teaching.

    Why I Teach
    Hello, there! My name is Mr. Stewart. I am a fifth grade teacher at Fowler Elementary School. I received my bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Ottawa University in the summer of 2020. I am a first year teacher, and I am eager to learn with and learn from your children as I teach them essential skills for their future. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to this new and exciting teaching and learning experience!

    Troy Stewart

Special Area Teachers

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  • Favela Sandra
    Sandra Favela Library Send message »


    • 1997–2014 Health Aide Hatch Valley Public Schools in New Mexico
    • 2014–2016 Sun Canyon Elementary School, Tech Aide and Special Ed Aide in Phoenix, AZ
    • 2018–Present Fowler Elementary School as School Librarian in Phoenix, AZ

    Why I Teach
    I enjoy helping students learn basic skills and encouraging them to build a love for reading and to use it in their everyday lives. It is rewarding to see their progress every year and to see how much they look forward to borrowing books from the library. It is also a joy to be with them on their journey through childhood. I look forward to teaching them and being their school librarian for many years to come.

    Sandra Favela
  • Gilmore Londa
    Londa Gilmore Interventionist Send message »

    BA Child and Adolescent Development - San Jose State University, MA Education Specialist in Reading and Language Arts - San Jose State University

    I have been teaching for over 40 years. I spent the first 26 years teaching preschool and have been an elementary teacher for the past 19 years.

    Why I Teach
    Many years ago, when I was a third-grade student, I decided to become a teacher. It was because of a teacher who inspired me. I wanted to be just liker her. I wanted to make learning so fun that my students wanted to be in school. I wanted to inspire my students so that they could see that setting goals and achieving them was exciting. I wanted to create a consistent and caring learning environment where there are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn something new. I teach because everyday I learn so much from my students. I learn to listen and that by listening, students talk. I learn that being consistent provides safety, and that when students are safe and know that someone cares, they learn. I teach so that every child has a chance to succeed. If I can touch one life today, make a difference for just one child today, make one child feel like someone is listening today, I have achieved my goals. I teach because I care.

    Londa Gilmore
  • Lowery Emily
    Emily Lowery Art Send message »

    BA Arts & BA Theatre Arts - The University of Iowa

    This is my first year teaching.

    Why I Teach
    Unlike most teachers, I didn't know that I wanted to be a teacher until late into my college career. I remember the moment I had that spark. I was teaching a small course of art to a group of Boy Scouts and what ignited my interest in teaching was watching the spark of imagination and wonder behind the eyes of those students. I teach to remind students that it is okay to use their imagination and think outside of the box and that anything they set their minds to can and will be accomplished. I teach for those students who need a place they can express themselves. I hope to be a positive influence on students and to help them find what they are passionate about.

    Emily Lowery

Special Education

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  • Rosa Nina
    Nina Rosa Resource Send message »

    BA in Elementary Education/Liberal Studies, San Jose State University; MA in Special Education, Sacramento State University

    I figured out that teaching was for me when I participated in the Teacher Observer Program in high school and I worked in a first grade classroom helping students. Then, I was an instructional assistant while going to college. After I graduated from college I substituted for several years and in several school districts until I started my full time teaching position as a special education resource teacher in California. I have been teaching as a Special Education Resource Teacher for 38 years now. I retired from California and went overseas to teach in Shanghai, China and Tokyo, Japan. Upon re-entering the country I taught in Nevada until I moved to Arizona. I have been teaching in the Fowler Elementary School District since October of 2016.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I am passionate about what I do. Teaching is in my blood. I come from a line of teachers and it just comes naturally to me to be an educator.

    Nina Rosa
  • Tovar Shanessa
    Shanessa Tovar Self-Contained Send message »

    Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education at Grand Canyon University

    I have worked in the Fowler School District since 2005 as an instructional assistant in special education classrooms (developmental preschool, self-contained kindergarten to second grade, and self-contained third to fifth grade). 

    Why I Teach
    I chose to teach because I felt I could make a difference in students' lives more as a teacher than as an instructional assistant. Each role needs the other, but I felt I could make more of a difference as a teacher. I love working with students and helping them learn and grow. The excitement they show when they learn is just amazing.

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